2013年10月2日 星期三


Renal cell CA
60, white M, heavy smoker x 24y, c/o R flank pain & hematuria. Lost 5 lb x 1m (not on diet).
V/S: low fever, mod HTN, pallor; palpable mass in R flank. ↑RBC (polycythemia), ↑ESR.
CBC/PBS: normocytic normochromic anemia.
UA: gross hematuria.  IVP/CT/US: mass in upper pole of R kidney.
MR: no invasion of renal vein or IVC. 
Patho: (yellowish area of necrotic tiss w/ focal areas of hge w/in renal parenchyma) clear cells (containing glycogen) w/ atypia
Invading renal parenchyma.
-mc renal tumor.↑in von Hippel-Lindau synd, acquired polycystic Kidney Dz (PKD).)
-freq invade renal vein & IVC.
-Mets (lung, bone) via hematogenous.
-Can cause paraneoplastic synd. (EPO, PTH, ACTH, renin)
R nephrectomy.
Renal sparing partial nephrectomy (consider)

