甲狀腺風暴(thyroid storm or accelerated hyperthyroidism)或稱
甲狀腺毒性危象(thyrotoxic crisis) William's textbook of Endocrinology, 12 Ed
thyrotoxicosis 嚴重到使生理decompensation, (高體溫, 黃疸, 心衰竭, 意識障礙)
甲狀腺亢進症因未治療或不規則服藥, 在原子碘治療後, stress下 (手術, 受傷, 產後, 感染) 產生明顯症狀
thyrotoxicosis 嚴重到使生理decompensation, (高體溫, 黃疸, 心衰竭, 意識障礙)
甲狀腺亢進症因未治療或不規則服藥, 在原子碘治療後, stress下 (手術, 受傷, 產後, 感染) 產生明顯症狀
-an extreme accentuation of thyrotoxicosis.
-常發生在Graves' dz 病人身上, 有時出現於有toxic multinodular goiter 的老年人
診斷: 測FT4, T3, & hsTSH
高燒(38- 40℃),
如果是年紀大的病患,可能以無力、嗜睡或心衰竭表現,即所謂的Apathetic thyrotoxicosis。
Burch & Wartofsky 臨床診斷score:
>=45 => highly suggestive of thyroid storm;
25–44 => impending storm,
< 25 => unlikely
Diagnostic parameters | Scoring points |
Thermoregulatory dysfunction | |
Temperature (°C) (37.2-37.7) (37.8-38.2) (38.3-38.8) (38.9-39.2) (39.3-39.9) (>/= 40.0) | 5 10 15 20 25 30 |
中樞神經 effects | |
Absent Mild (agitation) Moderate (delirium, psychosis, extreme lethargy Severe (seizures, coma) | 0 10 20 30 |
肝膽腸胃 dysfunction | |
Absent Moderate (diarrhea, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain) Severe (unexplained jaundice) | 0 10 20 |
心血管 dysfunction | |
Tachycardia (beats/minute)
90–109 110–119 120–129 130–139 >/= 140 | 5 10 15 20 25 |
CHF Absent Mild (pedal edema) Moderate (bibasilar rales) Severe (pulmonary edema) | 0 5 10 15 |
Atrial fibrillation Absent Present Precipitating event Absent Present | 0 10 0 10 |
PTU (50mg)
2-4# (100-200mg) q6h
KI 粉劑 (1g/pk)
200mg q6-8h (in
10ml water,果汁); (PTU給完1h服用); then
(高濃度碘離子,抑制甲狀腺製造分泌(Wolff-Chaikoff eff)
carbonate (300mg/cap)
1 cap q8h 碘過敏替代KI;
維持 [Li] = 約1
Inderal (10mg)
1-2# (10-20mg) q6-8h (抑制T4->T3)
Atenolol (tenormin 50mg/#)
1-2# qd-bid if 氣喘
Bisoprolol (concor 5mg)
1-2# qd if 氣喘
Dexamethasone (4mg高)
0.5# (2mg) q6h (抑制T4->T3);
**忌 aspirin
治療目標: correct severe thyrotoxicosis & 誘發因子
無 clinical trial for treatment regimen
initial治療需住進 ICU 監測
1)抑制hormone的合成及釋出 => PTU, SSKI/Lugol's solution
2)antagonize 嚴重thyrotoxicosis所引發的交感刺激敏感度上升 =>beta-blocker
3)combat 發熱 (hyperpyrexia)
PTU (Propylthiouracil) (procil 50mg/#) (~400mg (8#), q4-6h) (PO, 鼻胃管, 肛門)
*其優於methimazole, 因為它還能抑制周邊T4轉變為T3&甲狀腺製造從T4轉變為T3 by D1 (T3的主要來源).
SSKI (3 gtt, bid)
Lugol's solution (10 gtt bid): 快速阻礙preformed hormone釋出.
Diluted Lugol's solution (10ml PO q8h), (最好在給完第一個劑量的PTU後1h再給, then taper it) 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊3rd Edi. P499-500
KI powder (1g/pk) (250mg) in 10ml water q8h
*理論上PTU應該先碘之前給予, 以抑制先給碘可能造成甲狀腺素合成增加, 然而由於我們給大劑量iodine which造成Wolff-Chaikoff effect, 阻斷碘的organification, 所以碘化物可先給.
*對碘過敏者, 可用碳酸鋰 (300mg PO q8h) 取代, 維持血清Li 約 1 mEq/L.
C.Beta-blocker, (可抑制交感神經過度活化, 也可抑制周邊T4 -> T3)
Propranolol (10mg=inderal or 40mg=propranolol) (40-80mg, PO q6h Williams 12Ed) (10-20mg PO q6h 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊3rd Ed) (to ameliorate hyperadrenergic state; if no asthma or cardiac insufficiency)
* 非常短效的 β-adrenergic blocker such as labetalol (200mg/#) (100mg bid, then 200-400mg bid-tid) or esmolol may be safer than propranolol in this situation.
* High-output CHF can develop in severe thyrotoxicosis, and a β-blocker may further reduce cardiac output.
=>如果不能用β-blocker, 則可用 CCB (diltiazem) (30mg/#, 30mg tid (max 360mg/d) 來減緩心律.
D.類固醇: (*用於 1) support stress 2) 抑制甲狀腺素釋放 (與碘化物互補) & possibly 抑制周邊T4 -> T3 (與PTU具協同作用)
高劑量dexamethasone (8mg PO, qd Williams 12Ed) (2mg PO q6h 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊3rd Ed) or hydrocortisone (100mg q8h)
Supportive treatment
-輕微者用acetaminophen, 也可能需 cold blanket or ice packs (冰袋)
1)因為它complete with T3,T4 for binding to TBG & transthyretin (TTR), 造成 free hormones level上升=>加重thyrotoxicosis.
2)高劑量會提高metabolic rate.
4)IV fluid (葡萄糖) (Correct 脫水 及高血鈉) (if present)
6)給予廣效抗生素(after 血/尿cultures)
7)利尿劑 (if CHF or 肺congestion)
3)combat 發熱 (hyperpyrexia)
PTU (Propylthiouracil) (procil 50mg/#) (~400mg (8#), q4-6h) (PO, 鼻胃管, 肛門)
*其優於methimazole, 因為它還能抑制周邊T4轉變為T3&甲狀腺製造從T4轉變為T3 by D1 (T3的主要來源).
SSKI (3 gtt, bid)
Lugol's solution (10 gtt bid): 快速阻礙preformed hormone釋出.
Diluted Lugol's solution (10ml PO q8h), (最好在給完第一個劑量的PTU後1h再給, then taper it) 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊3rd Edi. P499-500
KI powder (1g/pk) (250mg) in 10ml water q8h
*理論上PTU應該先碘之前給予, 以抑制先給碘可能造成甲狀腺素合成增加, 然而由於我們給大劑量iodine which造成Wolff-Chaikoff effect, 阻斷碘的organification, 所以碘化物可先給.
*對碘過敏者, 可用碳酸鋰 (300mg PO q8h) 取代, 維持血清Li 約 1 mEq/L.
Propranolol (10mg=inderal or 40mg=propranolol) (40-80mg, PO q6h Williams 12Ed) (10-20mg PO q6h 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊3rd Ed) (to ameliorate hyperadrenergic state; if no asthma or cardiac insufficiency)
* 非常短效的 β-adrenergic blocker such as labetalol (200mg/#) (100mg bid, then 200-400mg bid-tid) or esmolol may be safer than propranolol in this situation.
* High-output CHF can develop in severe thyrotoxicosis, and a β-blocker may further reduce cardiac output.
=>如果不能用β-blocker, 則可用 CCB (diltiazem) (30mg/#, 30mg tid (max 360mg/d) 來減緩心律.
D.類固醇: (*用於 1) support stress 2) 抑制甲狀腺素釋放 (與碘化物互補) & possibly 抑制周邊T4 -> T3 (與PTU具協同作用)
高劑量dexamethasone (8mg PO, qd Williams 12Ed) (2mg PO q6h 台大內科住院醫師醫療手冊3rd Ed) or hydrocortisone (100mg q8h)
*合併使用 PTU, iodide, and glucocorticoids 可讓 T3 濃度在24-48h內回復正常.
2)antagonize 嚴重thyrotoxicosis所引發的交感神經敏感度上升
Supportive treatment
-輕微者用acetaminophen, 也可能需 cold blanket or ice packs (冰袋)
1)因為它complete with T3,T4 for binding to TBG & transthyretin (TTR), 造成 free hormones level上升=>加重thyrotoxicosis.
2)高劑量會提高metabolic rate.
4)IV fluid (葡萄糖) (Correct 脫水 及高血鈉) (if present)
6)給予廣效抗生素(after 血/尿cultures)
7)利尿劑 (if CHF or 肺congestion)